fresh yet normal, private yet public, personal yet political: Championing the spectrum yin to yang, with penchant for androgyny; Sensory-obssessed, sometimes nostalgic but primarily novel-stimulus-oriented; libertarian-leaning compassionate liberal more independent than bandwagon-riding
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Courtney Love Says Pam Anderson is Broke

Here they are - weren't we reading about pig farms today?
"Pam Anderson doesn't even have a credit card," ... "And she lives in Paradise Cove - which is in Malibu, but it's a trailer park in Malibu" - so says Courtney
As for who is broke ..
Courtney Love is claiming that the money she inherited from her late husband Kurt Cobain after his death in 1994 has been stolen. According to Love's lawyer, Rhonda J Holmes, as much as $530m (£360m) may have been looted by unscrupulous investors acting on the singer's behalf.
"I have never seen such greed and moral turpitude. This case is going to make Bernard Madoff look warm and fuzzy," Holmes told the New York Post.
When moving men found a dead bird in a matchbox at Courtney Love’s house, they tossed it into the garbage. Apparently the dead bird was an £8,000 piece of art work and Love is said to be “blazing mad” about it.
Kate Moss & Miley Cyrus Seen in London in Almost Same Dress
Amy Update
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Mpls Artists Devotes Whole Gallery to Britney
Scott Seekins is a Minneapolis artist who is obsessed with Britney Spears. Since 2001, he has devoted nearly every painting to her. He would like her to notice him. One of his former muses was Madonna (the real virgin, not Ciccone.)
Seekins feels that Britney's course runs parallel to the decline in this country. She was a Mouseketeer in an age of innocence. Seekins does not paint her bald with an umbrella. Seekins is well-known in Minneapolis for wearing black suits in winter and white suits in summer. He has done this since art school. He is famous for being famous (as a scenester.)
Here are a couple I liked, from the slideshow at the link. (Slugbug)
Kate Moss Says Her Bustline is Growing

Moss comments, “I love Michelle Obama and I think she’s absolutely amazing.”
Read more
Kate Moss's Growing Bustline